Magic won’t save you
Magic isn’t going to save you.
Look, I know you’ve been praying, lighting candles, casting spells, making offerings at the new and full moon, reading your tarot every day and you have received so much Reiki that you’re pretty sure you have become a portal for the divine itself but that shit you’ve been asking for still hasn’t shown up.
Hard truth- it might be you.
Magic isn’t real if you don’t believe in yourself and the possibility of you achieving your goals enough to take action on those ‘super’ natural things in your life. Any goal is ‘super’ natural really- because if it was completely natural, you’d already have it- it would be a natural result of your natural being.
Maybe it’s an intuition that you should start a business
Maybe it’s a feeling that you’ll meet your soul mate soon
Maybe it’s simply the hope that you’ll get to see friends and family again
Magic is real it’s a powerful guiding light and a process that must be LIVED. Magic is the moment when you get into the vibration of what you want and actually FEEL and BE your desire. Magic is when you surrender, when you pray- when you thank (god/universe/spirit) for it’s help and support. Magic is when you understand how your past brought you to this point and then when you TAKE ALIGNED ACTION. Suddenly you see results- as if by magic.
Magic is the collaboration between the spiritual and physical- it’s the transformation, sometimes miraculous, of something (like effort + desire) with circumstance + opportunity into something else (results)! But what most people don’t talk about is this: you can’t magic your way into something in the material world without also taking action in the material world- even if the action is counter intuitive (for example meditating or visualizing versus spending endless hours in gargantuan effort).
For example eating bonbons in bed while doing a weight loss spell isn’t going to result in weight loss alone.. but allowing those delicious bonbons to support you in feeling satisfied and pampered, releasing your need to numb with food and healing your relationships with it, and allowing yourself to step out of bed consciously living the vibration of being healthier 100% is going to get you results- #bringMeTheMagicBonBons.
In other words: your power can’t get lost. Ever. It can’t go to the ‘wrong person’ or ‘not work’ it IS working already, when you are brave enough embody it.
You are ABLE
You are Powerful
You are Magic.
If all are your efforts are resulting in something you don’t want or nothing at all, perhaps it’s time to look a bit deeper into what you believe is possible and how you take aligned action.
photo by Lauren Alexandra Photography
When what I was praying for wasn’t showing up:
I have, as you have read in other communications- been processing through my relationship to the unknown- to Magic- essentially. You could also say to spirit, god, the universe, my own creative abilities, and my own ‘energetic’ or spiritual gifts.
It’s been an epic sort of adventure and I’ve realized in starting a business and setting some goals- most of which sound like this “the right people who need what I am offering find me” that there is more to my action that just me (that my goals require support) and that my actions matter when combined with attitude & release. To the degree that I am supported by the universe and have amazing relationships, friends, and clients the above statement has been true.
But if I’m being honest, I wanted more.
In fact, in the beginning, I couldn’t even GIVE my coaching and services away. At one point- I posted call after call of ‘free readings’ in exchange for a review- for what is now my most popular offering- and got CRICKETS.
And then I remembered the important part of creating something, the transformation, the magic and alchemy- the part where I needed to BE someone with gifts, someone with clients, someone whose work has value, worth, and efficacy. And I had to examine ways that I was hiding- because I grew up thinking that psychics and spiritual workers where fakes or crazy, because I cared more about people thinking I was sane or rational that I did about the messages and services that wanted to come into the world through me, because I was afraid of what failing would mean about me.
And so I failed. And then I changed and I succeeded.
I got real with myself. Addressed my fears and took actions LIKE someone who is in demand, successful, and effective would take. Which meant- setting a monetary value for my work- only giving away what feels good to me and not punishing myself with loads of BUSY WORK- talking about my gifts, and giving myself and my work the respect it deserves. It also ment hiring HELP and taking courses on how to sell. Sure, all the answers are, were and continue to be inside of me but WOW does the re-covery/discovery/uncovering process go faster when you let someone help you figure shit out.
It’s a continual journey. One I expect to allow joyfully to unfold. But as the year is coming to a close and I find myself wondering- did I do it? Did magic happen this year? – with March being when I finally set up GettinIntuit I want to share a few things with you that I think evidence the joy of what can happen when you step up and into to what you want.
This year I supported over 200 people in life transitions, in discovering themselves, in hearing their messages, in stepping out of anxiety, in dreaming and being MORE than they ever thought possible.
I moved across the country, re-set up my studio and home, bought and sold houses, cars, and technology, and started to make new friends…
I helped people see that you can be both RATIONAL and Spiritual.
I stood for ethics in the spiritual community and facilitated conversations in online platforms and communities that needed to occur for the health of the community.
I also made more art this year than any year of my life, including when I was in Graduate School for ART! And it flowed easily, joyfully and was inspired. None of it was made to please a critic, to be subject to grueling gallery standards, or to go unseen or unrecognized because for the first time in my life I put it out there myself- instead of waiting for the gallery to approach me, or the show deadline to motivate me. I made because I felt called to make and created my own audience for it.
Lastly, and most profoundly- I started Mystical Spiritual Magical- to give seekers, thinkers, dreamers and stressed out folx a chance to see themselves and their lives through multiple spiritual lenses and to get real about how they are showing up for themselves and the world. To do, in essence the magic of the above. It’s a mix of theory, academics, and practices and I am learning SO MUCH from the crew of 10 of us currently collaborating and supporting each other through this epic thing called awareness and LIFE. I plan on re-opening the program in January as I integrate and improve the content and practices.
I couldn’t be more thankful for all the collaborators and listeners of the Sacred Adventure Begin podcast as well. In March I was begging people to listen and subscribe and now have an audience of over 4,000?!!
I’ll resist the urge to list everything we have collectively survived and changed this year as well. 2020 has brought me some of my most intense transformations- it’s also been one of great Magic, potential, and up leveling.
Again. I cannot say enough how much I adore and appreciate you- and how thankful I am that you are 1. On the mailing list, reading the blog and generally 2. In my life.
See you on the mat, in the meditation room, and living your most epic life.
PPS. I’m going to try (which means I’ll probably do it, but expect the unexpected) to do a few Yoga Practices to de-stress us all from the Holidays over on Insta if you are interested. Tea and Talk Tuesdays continue on Insta as well and I look forward to sharing with you plans for how you can get support and wisdom in the $5-50 range for those of you who want a bit of support but aren’t ready to invest in deeper work. As an aside- don’t forget that there are scholarships and pay what you can services available for those on the mailing list- simply let me know you are interested in working with me and I’ll send you a form to fill in.