How an Intuitive Coach can Help you Decide…..
Just a few ways healers, coaches and intuitive practitioners can help you with a choice:
1. Help you to hear your own wisdom
2. Ask questions to help you gain clarity
3. Bring through messages from your higher-self
4. Guide you to connect to your own intuition
5. Provide images and techniques to help you see the situation from new angles
6. Help you to relax
7. Clear energetic blockages keeping you from sensing your path forward.
8. Read tarot, i-ching, wisdom cards, runes, tea leaves or divination method of choice
9. Offer you spiritual wisdom
10. Help you accept and see how loved and perfect you are so that making a choice is easy!
Want help making a choice? I"m offering 60% off sessions until the end of July! Use code JuneJuly60 when you are booking in appointy!