How an Intuitive Coach can Help you Decide…..

Just a few ways healers, coaches and intuitive practitioners can help you with a choice:⁠ ⁠

1. Help you to hear your own wisdom ⁠ ⁠

2. Ask questions to help you gain clarity⁠ ⁠

3. Bring through messages from your higher-self⁠ ⁠

4. Guide you to connect to your own intuition⁠ ⁠

5. Provide images and techniques to help you see the situation from new angles⁠ ⁠

6. Help you to relax⁠ ⁠

7. Clear energetic blockages keeping you from sensing your path forward.⁠ ⁠

8. Read tarot, i-ching, wisdom cards, runes, tea leaves or divination method of choice ⁠

9. Offer you spiritual wisdom⁠ ⁠

10. Help you accept and see how loved and perfect you are so that making a choice is easy!⁠ ⁠


Want help making a choice? I"m offering 60% off sessions until the end of July! Use code JuneJuly60 when you are booking in appointy!


Decolonize Your Spirituality


Honoring the Divine Mother: Creative-Receptive-Female