Honoring the Divine Mother: Creative-Receptive-Female
Mothering, Creating, Guiding, Nuturing, Loving, and Effort-ing an idea (or even another soul!) into being is a primal process. I am not a biological mother. I do not plan on being mother to anything except my fur babies, chosen family and my art & teaching offerings. You would be surprised how many people bristle at this.
Regardless of what society might put on women - from our worth being somehow connected to our thankless servitude to our families and communities- or how our bodies compliance to social standards somehow indicates our moral or monetary worth- not to mention the thousands of other many other conflicting message ideals which can never truly achieve-hello vigin-mother?!- I remain in awe of the power of mothering, of birthing, of the potential for creation and it’s incubation that we hold, intrinsically within as women.
In being WOMAN we stand in connection to the self, to our spirituality, and to other women both living and ancestral through our nature and through the portal between worlds that is the Yoni, the womb. (Yes, self identifying women are INCLUDED in this statement- as well as those who opt not to ‘use’ their wombs or have released the physical organ for medical reasons)- this energy, this creative space exists in anyone who wishes to tap into it even in men who wish to honor, embody, or exalt the feminine, the receptive, the creative flow.
Today I honor my mother who shared with me her heart, her body with me for over 9 months in the early 80’s. The closest and most dependent many of us are ever capable of being in this life. I honor the effort-ing, the sacrifice, the loving guidance she continues to give- for me and my siblings- the life she has given us through her love her time and her commitment to us. Nothing, not even gratitude seems enough of a thank you for this gift.
I honor too those of you who have felt a break down in the creation-nurturing process. For whom feeling loved and safe is not possible with your biological mothers. This primal wound calls many to do such deep forgiveness and self acceptance and healing. May we all learn to connect to the divine mother and her healing within each of us this mother’s day.
I also honor today those mothers who have lost children, those who wish to nurture but cannot, those who have not yet learned to bless and love their female bodies, those now just beginning to see themselves as woman, and those who struggle through the complexities that come with our social, biological, and emotional needs that we seek to understand through the concept of “Mother”.
Special thanks to Autumn Rose Luciano for the collage of my fur baby Bessie who is with us in spirit.