Cosmic Creativity: Vision Board and Beyond Mini-Course
It’s time to reclaim your POWER & Creativity with PLAY!
You know what that feeling is? No, it’s not static electricity- it’s your unlimited potential, crackling around you, longing to show the f-up and make good things happen in your life. It’s the part of you that loves to make and have a visual connection to the wisdom within!
This is your invitation to approach vision boarding with WILD creative potency in a community of fellow seekers, thinkers, feelers, and makers. 5 emails, 3 Videos, Lots of fun.
During this FREE online event we’ll blow the lid off traditional (ineffective) vision boards and step fully into a process for the future that supports who you want to become, what you want to change in your life (and the world), and what would be the most supportive way for you to take aligned action.
Celebrate What You’ve Accomplished.
Life can be rough, here’s the call to go inward and look at all the ways you’ve been resilient. Celebrate what you’ve done and survived with engaging journal prompts and guided meditation.
Dream a Better Future Into Being.
Connect to who you are now and to get clear on what you want for yourself, your community, and our collective world with the Guided Meditation Sequence & Collage Prompt.
Play, Create, Ignite
Create in community, activate the power of your personal vision board with ritual, and set a plan aligned action to bring all that you dream into being.
Optional Live Monthly Prompts and Group Sessions on Patreon
Doors to Step Through,
Challenges Ahead,
A Big Catch,
Growth Springing Forward,
Attitude to Project,
Swagger to Develop,
I accept the vast space forming around me. I am on the threshold of something breathtaking and greater than I ever imagined.
What Images Will Move You?
Before your inner critic takes over and tells you that your collages suck or that you need to be some kind of art genius to participate:
-You will not be forced to share or show ANYTHING with anyone ever.
-You are amazing, wonderful, and you are MORE than standards you’ve put on yourself and used to limit yourself in the past.
-Instructions for the collage are simple and you are totes capable of cutting out and laying out images in meaningful ways but if you prefer Pinterest works great too.
-You will not be asked to draw anything or render the Sistine Chapel in precise detail. (Though you are probably capable of finding an image of it and glueing it down😳😘)
— Prepare & Clear
Guided Meditation + Journal Entries
Released Via Email Day 1
— Cosmically Create
Instructions for the Collage and Inspiration Pep-Talk with Images
Released Via Email Day 3
— Activate
Group Share and Activation/Ignition Ritual
Replay Emailed Day 6
Course is normally $27 but free when you join the mailing list
Tired of “Free Trainings” that are 100% Sales Pitches and 0% usable content? Yeah me too. This is Real Content.
Your contact info is not going to a bot, not to a mail🐒chimp, - it’s coming to the human (Emily) who believes that your consent is paramount- so please unsubscribe at any time and enjoy the course!!!!
Be sure to check Junk Mail for emails from emilyatgettinintuit@gmail.com the discount code is in the email-oh yeah!